Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Leaving in 9 days...

We've announced our scholarship winners for Fall 2011.  Congratulations Krysta DiBenedetto and Alex Reany!  These students will be blogging for the duration of their semester abroad.  Check back for their exciting updates all semester long!  They'll leave in 9 days...


  1. Looking forward to reading upcoming students' posts!

  2. omg are you seriousss?????? you made a blog just because you're going to China???
    Thats super interesting, i mean its insaneeee!! I will read this blog everyday!! (NOTTTTTT)
    Have fun with them dirty folks out there.

  3. Thank you for your comment! The purpose of this blog is, indeed, to offer students a platform where they can share their experiences while studying hospitality and tourism management at the FIU's Marriott Tianjin China Program.
